Any questions for us?
Do you have any questions about the product range, or any technical queries relating to our products in general? Then give us a call, or use the Contact Form to tell us what you want. You can of course also send us an Email. Our staff are specialists in their field and absolutely reliable; they’ll be happy to answer your individual enquiries.
Contact us
objectflor Art und Design Belags GmbH
phone: + 49 (0) 22 36 / 966 33 - 0
Showroom Benelux

objectflor Showroom Benelux
Van Nelleweg 1
3044 BC Rotterdam
Customer Service Benelux
Belgium +32 (0) 2 313 3797
Netherlands +31 88 444 01 31
Luxemburg +32 (0) 2 313 3797